** To give equal privilege to the orphaned and under privileged Children.

** Growing children in the grace and the love of God.

** To care for their physical needs such as shelter, food and education.

** To ensure their emotional wellbeing, have a sense of belonging, acceptance, etc

** To nurture the Children to be better citizens of our society in the future.

We belief that every individual has a right of growing in an atmosphere of love, peace and affection and of moral and material security. Children need equal opportunities for development irrespective of caste, creed or community, so that this individuals grow up to be robust citizens, physically fit, mentally alert and morally healthy. They need to be endowed with the skills and motivation needed to live in society and thereby reducing inequality and ensuring social and economic justice.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

ABOUT GRACE TRUST - Grace Trust is a non-profit organization. Grace Trust was established in 2008. Grace Trust was registered with the commissioner of Income Tax (exemption) Bangalore and also recognized under section 80 (G) of the Income Tax Act, 1961. (Reg. number: DIT(E)BLR/80G/411/AABTG3062D/ITO(E)-1 VOL-2009-210)

1 comment:

  1. GRACE TRUST was established in the year 2008 and registered under the trust act
    and approved under section 80(G) of the Income Tax Act,1961.
